Vaguely Gaming

If it's almost about gaming, we're already talking about it.

Overdone Genre

Gather round kiddies, grab a seat on ole Pop-Pops lap. It's time for yet another memorable WWII story. Remember the one where he annilated an entire Nazi squad with nothing but his pocket-knife, while his leg was broken, after suffering two gun shot wounds to his chest, while his hand was severed and he had already lost a pint of blood...and then he defeated the Nazi zombies triumphantly by upgrading his pistol to a shotgun? I do. I'd like another story just as much as I'd like another WWII game.

I thought I'd share my opinion on WWII games because they seem to be an overdone genre and reoccurring theme going on in the gaming world. Although as I'm writing this blog it appears they have settled down lately but word is, more are on the horizon.

I played my first WWII game which was Battlefield 1942 back in 2004. A first person shooter set guessed it, WWII. Oh, how I remember starting out in the boats as my buddies and I stormed the beach of Normandy. Enemy Nazi's fired the machine guns in the bunkers from afar. It was a great game! Had alot with it I'd still recommend it to this day. I have played others after that including Call of Duty & Medal of Honor series. I will include Wolfenstein just because it is set in WWII I suppose.

I have nothing against WWII. In fact my Grandfather (R.I.P) was in the Navy during that time, although he didn't see much action. I think we should honor and pay tribute to those who protected the country. I also think we need to get more creative with stories and concepts for games in general. I just don't understand how many of the same stories need to be retold, I don't care if you're jumping out of plane (MOH Airborne) from the skies above so you can land anywhere you want and fight, its still the same story we know what happens WE WIN!!

For the sake of me writing this article lets see just how many WWII games there are just so you can see my point:

The Medal of Honor series
The Call of Duty series

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2007)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)
Call of Duty: Black Ops (2010)

The Battlefield series
The Wolfenstein series
The Brothers In Arms series
The Hidden & Dangerous series
The Day of Defeat series
The World War II Combat series
The Deadly Dozen series
The Battlestrike Series

The Red Orchestra series


Real-time strategy games

Axis and Allies Real Time Strategy
The Close Combat series
The Sudden Strike series
The Commandos series
The Blitzkrieg series
The Company of Heroes series
The Hearts of Iron series

Real-time tactics games

The Battlestations series

Turn-based strategy games

Flight simulators

Naval simulators



Board games
Tank simulators
Interactive fiction

a.k.a "Battleground Europe"

Third-Person shooter
Historic action-adventure
Stealth Based
So as you can see my theory is correct. The genre is overdone. This isn't even including the possible and inevitable games in the future. The lack of imagination and creativity is hitting the gaming industry.

This blog is dedicated to those who have served our country in WWII.
I apologize some crappy games had to justify your cause.